3 complaints every HR manager has heard before

HR managers have to deal with a whole range of worker complaints, but there are some issues that seem to resurface time after time. Here are three gripes that consistently get workers across the UK hot under the collar.

1) Shoddy workspaces

Considering the fact that many people seem to spend much of their waking lives in their workplaces, it’s no surprise that employees tend to feel a little aggrieved if their workspaces aren’t up-to-scratch.

However, for factory workers, the stakes are usually quite high and are further aggravated if they suffer from health conditions, perhaps as a result of the work, or preexisting. This brings in the necessity of conducting Safety Critical Medicals examinations, which can reduce the chances of accidents or injuries occurring. In addition to that, such evaluations facilitate compliance with industry regulations and standards, which is necessary to prevent legal complications and unrest arising from the workforce.

It is clear that inadequate safety measures and workplace conditions can indeed, lead to accidents, injuries, and tragically, even death. In such unfortunate cases, it’s essential for affected families to seek legal recourse from a wrongful death lawyer Detroit, or in their locality. These lawyers usually specialize in cases where the negligence of an employer or workplace has led to fatal consequences and can secure justice for grieving families. This often involves dealing with HR departments and their policies. HR needs to play a pivotal role in addressing workplace safety concerns and rectifying them so no future accidents occur.

On the other hand, in an office setup, poor quality furnishings, including badly designed desks and substandard seating, are a major source of frustration among personnel. After all, furnishings that don’t meet strict health and safety standards can wreak havoc on worker health. Figures from the Health and Safety Executive show that in 2013-14 alone, a total of 526,000 cases of work-related musculoskeletal disorders were reported in the UK – and many of these medical complaints may have been triggered by shoddy workstations.

Fortunately, companies can deal with these complaints quickly and easily by making improvements to their offices. For example, websites such as www.furniture-work.co.uk offer a range of computer chairs that have curved backs and a range of other design features that make them suitable for prolonged use.

2) Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is a significant concern that HR managers frequently encounter in the workplace. It can result in reduced productivity, higher rates of absenteeism, and even jeopardize safety. Moreover, it can create an uncomfortable work environment, making other employees feel unsafe or uneasy. Substance abuse may also give rise to legal complications, as employees who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol might engage in activities that violate company policies. For this reason, many companies equip HR supervisors with comprehensive guides outlining DOT reasonable suspicion training requirements. This usually empowers them to effectively understand and administer drug testing protocols for employees.

In cases where violations occur, they may take the necessary steps, which may include terminating the employment of the individual, thereby maintaining a safe workplace environment.

3) Unfair pay practices

Unsurprisingly, pay practices are also a common source of complaint. Many employees believe they are not being remunerated properly for their efforts and this problem has been especially acute since the banking crises. Although pay conditions are showing signs of picking up this year, there have been no overall increases in real earnings since 2007. Tensions can run particularly high on this issue if employees believe there is a lack of fairness in the way in which pay is distributed between different members of staff.

To reduce the risk of suffering complaints over pay, companies can ensure they have a transparent approach towards remuneration and conduct regular reviews of worker earnings to see if they are set at an appropriate level.

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