3 Things That Can Make Your Branded Shopping Bags Look Cheap

3 Things That Can Make Your Branded Shopping Bags Look Cheap

Branded shopping bags can increase customer retention by reminding people of your business and reinforcing your value as a strong brand – they can even bring in new customers when other people are exposed to your business branding as the first shopper walks around with your bag. However, branded shopping bags that look cheap are likely to have the opposite effect. If your bag makes it look like your business cuts corners, people might just avoid you in the future.

Luckily enough, it’s fairly easy to avoid providing cheap looking bags simply by failing to commit these three common mistakes.

  1. Opting for a Low-Quality Material

You might save a few pennies by choosing a cheaper material, but you’ll end up with bags that feel flimsy and unreliable. Customers won’t enjoy carrying bags made from cheap material that feels like it could rip at any time, so try materials like high-grade paper, organic cotton, jute, canvas, and polypropylene.

  1. Choosing Low-Quality Printing

Another way to save money is by choosing a cheaper printing method. What you usually end up with is printing that peels off easily and doesn’t show finer details very well. To avoid getting a bag with unattractive printing, make sure your provider uses high-grade edge-to-edge lithographic printing.

  1. Choosing a Stock Design

You can save money when designing a logo or design to use on your shopping bag by going to a website that has lots of designs already made. You simply use an online tool to fit your business name and colours around that premade design. Problem is, such designs tend to feel pretty generic and won’t express your business like a bespoke design. The end result is a bag that feels cheap and poorly designed.

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