4 Solid Reasons Why Your Dental Businesses Should Employ Some Form of Call Recording Solutions

If you have a dental business, then you’re likely looking for new customers more or less on a constant basis. Expansion should be the goal of every company, and that is true for medical and dental professionals as much as for any other venture. To attract new customers and retain your current ones, you should provide them with as many amenities as they will reasonably expect. That includes a call recording service for if you and your staff are out of the office. Here are four reasons why.

You’ll Want to Know if An Emergency Arises

If you’re not comfortable giving out your home number to your patients, you should at the very least have an answering service set up for if there is an accident or if one of your patients is experiencing urgent dental pain that can’t wait. You can set up a system whereby you can check your messages periodically to see if there is anyone in distress. Then you can get back to the person and set up an appointment without delay. Also, during situations where a patient requires an emergency medical treatment while he/she is in your office, do make sure you have an emergency kit with you. For example, if a patient suffers a sudden cardiac arrest, availability of AED can help. It is worth noting that Texas AED laws require defibrillation equipment to be maintained in schools, dental offices, and nursing homes.

A Person Might Need to Change an Appointment

You might be like many other dental offices and have a policy in place where if a person does a no-call, no-show, then they will still be charged for an appointment. There’s nothing wrong with this policy, as it teaches people to be responsible and call in if they need to reschedule because something has come up. However, if someone is trying to call and no one is picking up, you can’t very well charge them if they made a genuine effort to notify you their plans had changed. It’s another viable reason that you need that answering service.

Someone Might Have a Question

Even if one of your patients is not having a real emergency, they might have some query as to something of an oral nature that is going on with them. If no one is presently there to answer their question, you’ll still want to get back to them when you can, even if what is happening does not sound urgent. Sometimes a person wants to be reassured if they suspect something is wrong, and they want to speak to a qualified professional rather than turn to the internet for answers.

Free Up Your Receptionist

Even if you’re open and your receptionist is there, they might be tied up helping another patient at that moment. Maybe it got busy suddenly, and there’s a hectic situation happening in the waiting room. If that’s the case, an automated answering service ensures that you or your receptionist can get back to the person who called promptly once things die down.

The dental marketing software solutions you need are out there, and answering services are among them. Virtually every difficulty you might encounter these days as a fully-functioning dental office is solvable, provided you have the right system in place. You want to keep thriving as a business, and setting up the right software is one of the ways for you to do that.

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