Fire Safety Signs You Should Be Aware Of

The commonly used commodities are susceptible to catching fire easily in our day to day lives. An increase in DIY wiring, for example, has led to a rise in electrical fires in homes. While an EICR Report can help identify dodgy wiring and may prevent a fire, it is impossible to prevent all of them. Once a fire ignites, it spreads fast. More and more people should hire in an electrician like the ones from to properly check over their wiring and give the all clear that it is safe. At any shadow of a doubt that it may not be, a professional should be called at once – it is better to be safe than sorry. Fire accidents are quite common nowadays, hence for your good and others safety, one needs to follow these fire safety signs. It is one of the greatest hazards that man has to face today. Here some of the commonly used fire safety signs are discussed. Have a look!

  1. Fire door keep shut

The fire door comes with two purposes; it helps to hold fire in a particular area and secondly, it is the fastest way out of a building. It is to be kept shut and used during emergencies only. These signs are generally in green colour. The messages are sometimes a little more elaborate but convey the same meaning. They are available in a variety of hard plastic, aluminium sheets, adhesive vinyl stickers and even polycarbonate out of which the vinyl stickers are commonly used. These doors should be regularly inspected to make sure they are in working order and property owners can find a fire door inspector by following the link.

  1. Safety alarm

These are called point symbols, meaning that these signs are put just above the alarm switch. This fire safety sign is to make everyone aware that pressing the button will bring immediate help. Sometimes such switches directly inform the fire station of the danger. The cost of this sign varies with the size you plan on buying.

  1. Not Used for electrical fire.

It’s a sign to distinguish between fire extinguishers. You must have seen it upon fire extinguishers that cannot fight electrical fires. New age fire extinguishers are capable of fighting both electric and non-electric fires. The sign must be read carefully before using a fire extinguisher. The signs come in a variety of hard plastic, aluminium sheets, adhesive vinyl stickers and even polycarbonate.

  1. For Use on Electrical Fires

This sign specifies that the fire extinguisher is suitable for electrical fires only. It’s opposite to the previous sign we discussed. So you need to read the sign with care before you indulge in the act of bravery. These signs are available in vinyl stickers, but can also be custom made to suit your needs.

  1. No smoking in this vehicle

This sign is usually seen in public transport vehicles. Smoking in public transports affects the others present and also increases risks of fire as the smoker is quite careless about where he/she throws the cigarette bud. People buy it mostly in the form of adhesive vinyl stickers.

  1. In event of fire break glass for latch

It’s a guidance sign which has to be followed in case of a fire breakout. It is a quick walk through to using the fire alarm to notify the others present in the building.


These are some of the more popular fire safety signs that we know. There are other signs as well like fire fighter switch, turn to open sign, fire exit signs; fire extinguisher symbols, etc. put up for keeping us safe and sound at all times.

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