Supercharge Your Presentation Skills

Supercharge Your Presentation Skills

At some or other point in our lives we’ve all had to come up in front of an audience and give a presentation, whether it was that first or second language subject speech you had to periodically give at school or indeed if it’s a mandatory presentation you were called upon to deliver at your workplace. One thing is for certain though, that being the fact that giving a speech is not an easy task. If it’s not the fact that you’re not particularly gifted at talking in front of a crowd then it’s the butterflies which somehow just manage to find their way into your stomach. The nerves in particular are somewhat of an irrational development when you’re in a scenario which requires you to give a presentation to perhaps your work colleagues you otherwise interact with individually on a daily basis, but then because they’re all watching you at the same time and listening to what you have to say, a bit of nervousness creeps in. Some of the best speakers still get nervous though, believe it or not, even those who speak for a living, but there’s a collection of 20 habits of great speakers, put together by Citrix GoToMeeting, which you can acquaint yourself with in order to nail your presentation tasks each time you’re called upon to give a speech. Check out the infographic.


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