Tips for Getting a First Time Car Buyer Auto Loan

Are you planning to buy your first brand-new or used car? If so, it would help to be prepared in advance when applying online for an auto loan.

By knowing what dealers and lenders are looking for, you’ll be able to improve your overall picture so that you can qualify for a loan as a new buyer.

It’s always wise to take steps to put yourself in a better position to improve your chances and if you follow this guidance you’ll also get better terms and a lower interest rate on your loan.

With that said, let’s take a look at some first time auto loan borrower scenarios and potential obstacles that you might face.

1. Do You Have Full-Time Employment?

To qualify for a first time auto loan, you must first realize that one of the initial things every lender is going to look at is your employment history.

If you aren’t employed, this does not mean you will be immediately disqualified for a new car loan. But it’s certainly going to make it very difficult to get a brand-new car put to your name.

In fact, if you plan to put the vehicle’s title in your name as opposed to one of your parent’s names or your spouse’s name, you’ll have to prove to the potential lender that you’ll have the money to pay for it, regular income through other means, or a steady job and regular paycheck.

As you can imagine, the more money you make, the better your chances will be to qualify for a low interest loan as a new car buyer.

2. How Is Your Credit History?

If you are young and attempting to buy a car for the first time, you might not have any credit history at all. Or, you may have taken out some credit cards as soon as you went to college and made a mess of your credit history, and now you have bad credit.

On the other hand, you may be a very responsible adult and have really good credit. Everybody’s situation is going to be different in this area.

No matter what, lenders are going to work with you even if you have no credit, poor credit, or good credit. So you shouldn’t have too difficult a time getting a loan no matter what your credit score happens to be.

But, your interest rate is certainly going to vary depending on your personal credit situation.

As a first time auto buyer, if your credit history is bad or nonexistent, the potential lender may offer you a loan at a higher interest rate or only offer you a shorter-term loan which means your payments are going to be higher each month.

So this is something to definitely keep in mind as you consider your options as a first time auto buyer.

According to, a website comparing best auto loans, “After buying a home, the second largest purchase that most people will ever make is the purchase of a car.”

3. Do You Have Money to Put a Down Payment on Your New Car?

Dealerships like it when potential buyers are willing to put a down payment on the car.

For starters, it helps show that you are serious about buying that vehicle. It also helps to eliminate some of their risk since they are getting a portion of their payment upfront.

So, take the necessary steps to secure enough money for a down payment. This will make it much easier for you to get an auto loan as a first time car buyer.

Failure to pay the loan?
You have bought the car of your dreams but have you been able to manage the loan installment payments on time? If not, then you must know that the creditor has the right to repossess your vehicle on your inability to make monthly payments. This is legal! But there are certain rules he must follow while repossessing a vehicle or reselling it to acquire the money the consumer owed. The creditor could lose the right to collect on the debt if these rules are violated. Plus, he may be required to pay monetary damages to the consumer. You can get in touch with a legal expert who knows the ins and outs of repossession law to get enlightened on this subject matter further.


By now, you may be aware of what needs to be done when buying a car. You must be in the know of the process of financing a vehicle as well. You might also be aware of what happens when you fail to pay for the loan. These tips may come in handy after you qualify for an auto loan as a first time car buyer.

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